Roth S. (2022), Digital transformation of management and organization theories. A research programme, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, early view, DOI: 10.1002/SRES.2882 [SSCI 1.750, Scopus, CABS**].
Abstract: This article draws on the groundwork by George Spencer Brown and Niklas Luhmann to outline a general framework for the digital transformation of management and organization theory. It is shown under which conditions guiding distinctions of these fields may be defined as false or true. The framework is applied to selected examples, thus demonstrating that most guiding distinctions of management and organization theory are false. The article concludes with an outlook briefly expanding on the distinction between an electrification and a digital transformation of management and organization theories.
Keywords: Guiding distinctions, false distinctions, dilemmas, dualisms, dichotomies, digital transformation.
The early view version of this article is available for download here or there.